Julie Rosenquist |
Welcome to my classroom at Flinthills High School! This is my eighth year teaching at Flinthills. I love our Mustang community! The best students in the world are learning here!
We will use Google Classroom again this year. This is the main hub for assignments, notices, reminders, and posts where students may upload their electronic work. Any parent can monitor his/her student's progress through their student's account. Students will have to share their login information with parents for parents to have access to class information and student work. It is important students bring their computers to class daily since we use computers frequently.
We will also use our online textbook, SAVVAS, quite a bit. Students have a login for this textbook. Usually I provide paper copies of assignments that are posted on SAVVAS. In the event a child is absent when the paper copy is handed out, they can see an electronic copy on SAVVAS. For most assignments, they may write their answers on notebook paper and turn that in for credit if they are unable to print a duplicate assignment sheet from SAVVAS. SAVVAS incorporates an AI tool that provides feedback on essays immediately as well as for many assignments. I will not use SAVVAS AI to grade essays or other work. I will grade work personally.
If your child misses a class, have him/her check SAVVAS to see if any assignments were posted. If not, have them check Google Classroom next. Parents may also see what their students are accomplishing in SAVVAS. They will need their student's login to see assignments as well.
Students will receive adequate time in class to complete some work; however, some work must be completed outside of class. We will do SOME reading in class, but students will be expected to read on their own. Independent reading is an expectation of the state's standards, so we will need to include this in class. If you would like to review the state's standards, you can find them here: Students must utilize the class time given if they expect to do little work outside of class. Please encourage your student to utilize their class time to complete independent reading and other work. It especially important for students involved in extra-curricular activities to utilize their class time wisely. If they are involved in these other activities and must miss class, their work is still due on the due date as for the other students. To be involved in these extra-curricular activities, students must balance their class workload with the requirements for the activity.
This year is the first year our district has incorporated Financial Literacy in the curriculum. The current freshmen class is the first class required to take this semester-long course sometime during their high school career. Upper classmen may take it as an elective. We cover the topics: Earning Income, Spending, Saving, Investing, Credit, and Managing Risk. And, yes, students learn how to do taxes in this class. I am excited to teach this class and know students will learn a lot about "adulting" in it!
My plan time is 6th hour daily, which is from 1:23 PM - 2:10 PM. If you would like to contact me, please do so during that time. I have a full schedule the remainder of the day. Also if you email me, I will definitely check my email during my plan time. I try to check my email earlier in the day, but that may not always be possible as I try to teach from the bell to the bell daily. Thank you for understanding!
Below is my daily class schedule: 1st Hour- Senior English 2nd Hour- Sophomore English 3rd Hour- Financial Literacy 4th Hour- Junior English 5th Hour- Junior English 6th Hour- PLAN 7th Hour- Freshmen English
Now a little bit about myself. I was born in ElDorado and lived in Augusta, Leon, and Emporia while in public school. I attended Emporia State University and earned my Bachelor of Science degree in English Education. I later earned my Masters of Science in Education Administration from ESU as well.
This is my 21st year in education. I taught middle and high school English in Emporia, North Lyon County, and Southern Coffey County school districts. I also taught tradesmen at Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation required coursework so they could work outages at the nuclear power plant in Burlington. Additionally, I taught two summers with the Kansas City division of the TRIO/Upward Bound program. I served two years as a building administrator but decided to go back into the classroom. I absolutely love teaching and working with kids. I greatly missed that when I was not in the classroom!
My husband, Chris, and I live in Lyon County and have made it our home these thirty-one years of marriage. My husband is a metal cutter at Norfolk Iron Manufacturing in Emporia and is currently restoring a '49 Chevy pickup. We have a son who is a graduate of Flint Hills Technical College. His fields of study were Power Plant Technology and Industrial Engineering. He currently works at Wolf Creek and composes music in his spare time.
I raise a variety of backyard chickens- Americauna, barred rock, buff orpingtons, and old English hens. We have a Lab & Rott mix who patrols our yard, named Cecil. He has huge feet and velvety soft ears. He's 9 years old and has grown some white hairs under his chin. I imagine he is much older that we are in dog years. He is especially helpful when we need to tear down boxes. He drags them through the yard until they fall apart. He can make quite a mess, but that is what he enjoys and it helps get rid of those Amazon boxes.
I love being a part of the Flinthills team! I look forward to working with students, parents, and staff to make this a great year! |
Phone: 620-476-2215 ext. 1052 | | Room # 303C |